Tuesday, 21 May 2013

My promise to my little girl...

Dear Sophie,

The moment I saw you, I loved you unconditionally, the best times of my life have been watching you grow into the amazing little girl you are today. You make me laugh, cry, frustrate me and challenge me every single day. When I am feeling sad, you know how to cheer me up. Having you has got me through some of my darkest days, so here is my promise to you.

I will love you unconditionally throughout your life, I will stand by you, support you and listen to you no matter what. I will ALWAYS be your Mum and you will always be my little girl. I will do everything I can to make sure your life is a happy one, and not one day goes by when you don't know you are loved by me at least.

I am sure we will row, thats just part of life, but I will still always be there for you. I don't mind what you do with you life as long as you do something that makes you happy - I won't judge your success on your career, or how you choose to live your life - I will judge your success on your happiness. As long as you are happy, I will be proud of you.

Love Always
Mum xxxx